Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The First Feast Day of St. Theodora Guerin

Monday evening, a friend called me. We talked for about an hour about all sorts of things, but eventually the conversation got around to another friend of ours, H, who is going through a very rough patch.

I was at a loss for what to do, or what to say when I see her next. All I could think to do was to say a prayer for her.
So last night, in the middle of my prayers, I remembered that H had been raised Catholic, and had gone to St. Mary of the Woods College. I decided that today I would read up on St. Theodora Guerin, the first canonized saint from Indiana, and the founder of Saint Mary of the Woods. Maybe I could say a novena or something to St. Theodora for H. (To be honest, I am really not sure how to do that, but I was certain I could find out.)

This morning, as on all Wednesday mornings, I went in to church to play for our weekly school mass. I knew we were celebrating St. Francis of Assisi (the kids are bringing in their pets this afternoon --should be quite interesting). But in the sacistry, Father said, "You know, I don't know why Sister wanted to move St. Francis to today; his feast day is tomorrow. Today is really the first feast day of St. Theodora Guerin."

Now that was a little eerie (or maybe I should say mystical).
(On Monday, I was going to write about how much I love St. Therese of Lisieux, and how I have made so many connections with her -- mothers who died of breast cancer, a lifelong wish to be a missionary, a love of all things French. I didn't get that done, but here is an interesting fact -- Therese's mother's maiden name was Guerin. Hummm ... coincidence? Or maybe just God reminding me that in the huge complex history of the world, He has carefully placed simple clues to help us understand the enormity of His grace.)
There is a lot more I could say about H, and there is a lot more I learned about St. Theodora from the Internet this morning. But her words sum it up best:
“What strength the soul draws from prayer! In the midst of a storm, how sweet is the calm it finds in the heart of Jesus.”

Peace. It is possible.

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